

Our Risky Business blog delivers original thoughts, research, and insight on corporate venture capital, corporate strategy, along with overall perspectives on venture capital and entrepreneurship.

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October 14, 2021

Reputation Matters More Than You Think In Corporate Innovation

A cautionary tale for corporate investors

Scott Lenet
September 19, 2021

Trends in FoodTech Investing

Venture capitalists invested more than $18 billion in food technology startups during the 2020 pandemic year

David Feldman
September 15, 2021

Who Should Serve On Your Corporation’s Investment Committee?

Five qualifications to keep your organization from making dysfunctional decisions

Scott Lenet
September 12, 2021

Trends in Pharma Tech Investing

Venture capitalists invested over $7 billion in pharmaceutical technology startups as part of a record year in 2020

Kathy Quigley
August 27, 2020

Born in the Crucible of Recession

Is it true that more Fortune 500 companies are founded during economic contractions?

August 20, 2020

Preferred Stock Is Like Fastpass

How liquidation preference terms affect payouts for investors and entrepreneurs

Kevin jones
August 10, 2020

Grow to Win

The role of revenue and growth rate in driving startup outcomes

Jennifer Sieber
July 27, 2020

Can You Trust Your Co-investors?

How to assess syndicate partners

Scott Lenet
July 2, 2020

8 Technologies for Returning to Work

Considerations for safely reopening physical offices

Jack Taylor
June 11, 2020

Black Lives Matter

Racial Equality & Human Rights

Scott Lenet

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